ETH/USD: $3277.2504 AQS/USD: $0.0027

Everything You Need to Know About the $AQS Token

AQUARIS is based in Estonia, a country with a long fishing culture and advanced blockchain technology. Due to this, it recognizes that we can do initiatives to effectively manage our ocean resources and ensure humanity's future. Therefore, AQUARIS has embarked on a quest to use blockchain technology to align incentives around the preservation of the seas and all water resources.

With the combination of fish processing and production with blockchain technology to streamline operations and enhance profitability, AQUARIS makes investments in various seafood and water-related industries easy. This allows seafood and water sectors to use AQUARIS as a vehicle by allowing consumers to earn recurring staking benefits from investments in fishing and water enterprises that are currently running and thriving. For industry participants, $AQS, the AQUARIS native token, provides incentives and discounts.

The AQS Token 

The AQUARIS native Token, $AQS, works as a discount token, allowing holders to get discounts on goods and services from the AQUARIS ecosystem participants.

Discounts are available to all $AQS holders. Meaning, the $AQS structure encourages early adoption by allowing non-token users to access a specific product but not getting the discount without one.

The discount can only be fully realized by utilizing AQUARIS products; total returns to active $AQS holders surpass those to passive token holders.

Holders of $AQS can enjoy the discount, and fees do not have to be paid in the discount token; hence the token's supply reduces.

There are only 500,000,000 $AQS tokens; this offsets the costs of being a participant in the AQUARIS ecosystem and helps to grow our organization. Overall, the returns to active $AQS holders outweigh the returns to passive token holders, because the discount can only be fully realized by using AQUARIS products and services.

$AQS Staking

By tying returns to legitimate firms, the AQUARIS Staking Pool reduces risks.

The AQUARIS staking pool will enable certified private and business users to put up crypto as collateral and receive staking fees, along with a discount when using $AQS.

The AQUARIS staking pool, which features four staking tiers dependent on the amount staked, gives staking incentives of up to 15% every year. 

Total Supply and Distribution 

A total of only 500,000,000 $AQS tokens will exist. Out of this lump sum, 130,000,000 tokens will be aimed to revolve within the private round and then allocated to the public accordingly. Allocations will also be distributed between Listings, the Team, Development and Operations, Marketing, Reserve, and Holding Rewards. 

Initial buyers of $AQS will get incentives ranging from 30% to 10% and a 10% referral bonus. The total amount will be locked in for a year until each month, beginning with the first listing date, the buyer receives their tokens in the amount they paid.

During the private round, the starting price will be $0.01. Tokens will be valued at $0.02 during the Official Sale phase.

100,000,000 $AQS tokens will be offered at a starting price of $0.03 during the Open Sale, and $AQS will be listed on a public platform.

Estimated figures are as follows below: 

Private Round*$0.01130 millionNo lockAfter  listing, linear monthly for 12 months
Public Round$0.0220 million2 monthsAfter 2 months from listing, 50% unlock every 2 months
Listing$0.03100 million
Team40 million36 months
Development & Operations30 million3 months
Marketing30 million3 months
Reserve100 million
Holding Rewards50 million
Total Supply500 million **

* Bonus up to 30% and 1/12 every month from listing date on a public platform

** Burnable, Not mintable

Unsold tokens from the Private Round will be added to the total amount of the Public Round.

Lock and vesting period subject to change based on launchpad conditions

Investing in the $AQS

With the earth being gravely affected by the development of society, it is now time to use the technology we have to save the planet we live on. The $AQS tokens are ones that you should watch out for on your next investment on the most popular launchpads and exchanges. 

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