ETH/USD: $3247.9366 AQS/USD: $0.0027

Why is the token listed only on the DEX

Entering crypto exchanges for any new token is a prerequisite for development and achievement of goals. The very fact of listing increases the liquidity of a coin or a token attracts the attention of a wide audience of both coin holders and traders.

As a rule, the listing of a token occurs either on CEX(centralized exchange) or DEX(decentralized exchange) exchanges, or both at once. However, listing a token on the DEX only has a number of advantages.

The main difference between a decentralized and a centralized exchange is that users must register and verify their account on a centralized exchange. Without joining a centralized exchange, there is no opportunity to trade crypto assets.

At the same time, DEXs do not necessarily require registration in order to make transactions. Decentralized exchanges make it possible to trade directly between two wallets without the intervention of a third party. This means that, unlike centralized exchanges, decentralized exchanges allow trading between two users without intermediaries.

Advantages and disadvantages of DEX

One of the most obvious advantages of a decentralized exchange is the elimination of intermediaries and the execution of peer-to-peer transactions without central authorities. DEXs also reduce counterparty risk, since trading takes place only between two users. As a result, users do not have to worry about losing funds to third parties.


Despite the disadvantages, trading on decentralized exchanges provides additional opportunities for trading cryptocurrencies. Users of the crypto market can get a liquid tool for earning. Therefore, working with DEX is popular with many cryptocurrency investors.

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