ETH/USD: $3249.3939 AQS/USD: $0.0027

AQUARIS launches Early Adopters Program

We are happy to announce that we are launching the Early Adopters Program at AQUARIS.

What is it?

The Early Adopters Program gathers all our early supporters to receive benefits in the future.

By joining the Early Adopters Program, individuals will have exclusive access to early release versions of the AQUARIS platform, among many things. As members of the Early Adopters community, you will have the opportunity to interact with the AQUARIS team.

How do I participate?

It’s easy! Complete the tasks in the widget, including:

  • Joining our Telegram community
  • Inviting a friend to join the community too!
  • Following us on Twitter and retweet our pinned tweet
  • Following us on LinkedIn

The Rewards 

  • 1000 $AQS for the first 500 
  • 750 $AQS for the next 300
  • 500 $AQS for the last 200

The allocated $AQS token rewards will be distributed after the AQUARIS platform launch. Remember to sign-up to the platform when it launches to receive your token.

AQUARIS Community Giveaway


AQUARIS is based in Estonia; it aims to integrate blockchain into the fish product industry, which streamlines operations while increasing profits with the addition of transparency to the process.

With the combination of fish processing and production with blockchain technology to streamline operations and enhance profitability, AQUARIS makes investments in various seafood and water-related industries easy. This allows seafood and water sectors to use AQUARIS as a vehicle by allowing consumers to earn recurring staking benefits from investments in fishing and water enterprises that are currently running and thriving. For industry participants, $AQS, the AQUARIS native token, provides incentives and discounts.

Read more about Aquaris here.

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